Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16

When you were a little girl, do you remember what you thought being a mom was going to be... Hopefully, this mornings MOPS meeting gave you a smile as thinking about all the reality of the 'adventures' that motherhood has brought into your life!

A big thank you to the girls who so graciously and bravely volunteered to help out in the skit this morning...
June Cleaver:  Angela Chaffin
Blue Plate Special:  Jodi Lomardo
New Mom:  Laura Hall
Taxi Mom:  Jodi Clark
Midnight Mom:  Cindy Casto

(Look for the rest of the moms on the next post.)
I love the creativity and fun you girls brought into our meeting this morning!  I know I have modeled many of those outfits myself... (well, maybe not the June Cleaver outfit!)  Not pictured is Tamara Miller.

I also loved our speaker, Ronda Paulson, she really really presented the 'reality' of motherhood in a dynamic way!  I appreciate Tamara Miller so much for linking her to us!!  As noted in our newsletter, she will be at a conference hosted by First Christian Church in January

Another big thank you to Faith's discussion group for bringing food... for Denise Atchely and Lisa Wilder for helping out in MOPPETS... and for all of you for being there!  Thanks for supporting this ministry.  I am excited that each of you came to MOPS this week... and for those of you missed out meeting... Hope you'll be there in November.


Anonymous said...

I have two things to say... the picture of me (Rebecca) makes me look pregnant. I knew that cameras added ten pounds, but who knew they added babies?! Also, our "New Mom" looks MUCH too put together and rested. She has raised the bar for new mom appearances.