Saturday, August 23, 2008


What is MOPS?

MOPS (MOthers of PreSchoolers) is an international organization for all moms of infants to kindergartners (pregnant mommies, too).  MOPS provides an opportunity to meet other moms in the area and enjoy the journey of motherhood together!  EMBC MOPS is a group of 35-40 women who meet on a regular basis to socialize, share struggles, laugh, and learn how to become better mommies.

What makes MOPS unique?

MOPS isn't just another playgroup.  We do so much more than just socialize and have fun (though we do have lots of that).  MOPS seeks to equip you as a mom to become the best mom you can be through a strong support network of women who are in the same stage of motherhood as you are, through relevant speakers and discussions catered to meet the unique needs of mothers of young children.

Our group meets the 3rd Thursday (beginning in November we will meet the 2nd Thursday) of each month from 9 - 11:30 a.m.  We eat breakfast together, and listen to a speaker (topics vary month to month).  Afterwards, we either break up into small groups to talk on a more personal level, or we do a creative project together (that we get to start and finish without any interruptions and with no mess to clean up)!

What about the kids?

Childcare is available for children ages 0-6.  Newborns up to six months are welcome to stay with you during the meeting.  Advance registration must be made for childcare.  Children enjoy a fun program called MOPPETS.  They participate in stories, crafts, snacks, and outside time and offers a fun, engaging environment for your preschooler.

Each childcare worker is trained and screened to ensure that your child is in the best of hands.

What's the cost?

Becoming a member of MOPS is only $23.95 for the year.  This includes perks such as a 1 year subscription to MOMSense magazine, a book entitled The Mommy Diaries, free music downloads through, and more.  In addition, at each meeting there is an opportunity to make a small donation to offset the expenses of this ministry.  If you know someone who needs MOPS but may not be able to afford it, please contact us.  Scholarships are available and will always remain confidential...... Please contact Sally Joines for more information.

2008-2009 Theme

The MOPS International theme for 2008-09 is Adventures in Mothering.  This theme equips moms to learn more about themselves as they go through the adventure of motherhood.  They will celebrate and embrace the fun in the experiences, even in the midst of daily mom life that stretches them emotionally and spiritually.

The metaphor for Adventures in Mothering is an amusement park.  With the sights, sounds, tastes, and smells of the amusement park, motherhood might feel like a sensory overload.  But our MOPS group will enjoy this together and learn more about ourselves as women, moms and leaders.

Hope the "ADVENTURE" of your day is a blessing.